Get to know us

We are a group of concerned students from California State University, Los Angeles, committed to social justice and community advocacy. As members of this community, we recognize the deep-seated issues within our criminal justice system, particularly the exploitation of prison labor. Our group is motivated by a strong conviction to end these injustices that undermine human dignity and perpetuate inequality. We engage in various activities aimed at raising awareness, educating the public, and advocating for systemic changes to create a more equitable and humane system.

Our mission

Our mission is to dismantle the systemic structures that allow for the exploitation of prison labor for profit. We aim to expose the unfair practices of using incarcerated individuals for labor without fair compensation, highlighting how these practices dehumanize and exploit. By pushing for policy changes that prioritize rehabilitation and fair wages for incarcerated individuals, we strive to transform the criminal justice system into one that truly upholds justice and equality.

Our vision

Our vision is a society where the criminal justice system supports true rehabilitation and respects the rights and dignity of all individuals. We envision a world where systemic inequality is dismantled, and every person, regardless of their circumstances, can enjoy fundamental human rights and opportunities. By igniting conversations and advocating for reforms, we work towards a future where the exploitation of incarcerated individuals through forced labor is abolished, fostering a society built on principles of justice, equality, and human rights for all.